7 All-glass Lens System Made to Clearly Depict Everything What 8K Image Has to Offer These projectors are equipped with high-quality multi-element, multi-group wide-diameter all-glass lens (see below for individual lens specs) with a full aluminum lens barrel. In order to project high-resolution images to every corner of the screen, the DLA-NZ900 incorporates five ED lenses with different R/G/B refractive indexes in the large-diameter lens to project high-resolution images while maintaining a wide shift range of 100% vertically and 43% horizontally*. This 100mm HQ lens system not only reduces chromatic aberration and color fringing when lens shift kicks in, but also enables faithful reproduction of distortion-free 8K images no matter where it is installed due to its wide V/H shift range. *The DLA-NZ800 features 80% vertical/34% horizontal shift range, without ED lenses. Above diagram shows shift range for the 16:9 aspect ratio projection. Range capable for the DLA-NZ900 Range capable for the DLA-NZ800 100 % 80 % 50 % 0 % 0 % 100 % 80 % 50 % 100 % 80 % 50 % 0 % 100 % 80 % 50 % 50 % 34 % 43 % 50 % 34 % 43 % Horizontal shift range Screen center Vertical shift range 18-element, 16-group 100-mm all-glass lens and five ED lenses 100mm DLA-NZ900 17-element, 15-group 65-mm all-glass lens 65mm DLA-NZ800
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